Monthly Trips
The club organises monthly weekend meets in rock climbing and mountainous areas around the UK. Most climbing areas also have excellent scenery and walking.
There is also an annual week long summer meet further afield in areas such as Skye and the Scottish Highlands.
Accommodation is normally in huts belonging to other climbing clubs, or private bunk houses. During the summer there may also be some camping meets.
The cost of attending a meet will normally be between £10 and £20 per night plus the cost of getting there and food/drink.
Bookings for the weekend meets are normally finalised at the Broad Leys pub in Aylesbury, on the Monday evening, two weeks before each monthy meet. While not essential to meet us there, members of the commitee are usually present to welcome guests or new members, take any cash or cheque payments and will also help to organise car shares.
Be our Guest!
Join us as a guest on a monthly meet to see if the club is for you.
You are welcome to attend one monthly weekend trip without having to join the club. After which you are requested to join should you wish to attend future trips with us.
N.B. There is a small additional guest fee on top of the nightly hut fee.